I received BS (with high distinction and highest honors), MS and PhD degrees in mathematics from The University of Michigan.   My doctoral dissertation, "Estimates for Reproducing Kernels in Weighted Hilbert Spaces of Entire Functions," analyzes growth rates of reproducing kernels and polynomial approximation of functions in a large class of Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions and uses those estimates to show that the polynomials are dense or nearly dense in those spaces.  It is in the area of functional analysis and several complex variables.  I am a member of Phi Beta Kappa and the Society of the Sigma Xi.

Upon graduation, I became a Research Staff Member of the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, where I spent 35 years as a research mathematician and manager.  I did research in artificial intelligence, program correctness, queueing theory, telecommunications and information storage and retrieval, managing several groups of programmers and mathematicians, and spent several years as manager of technical recruiting where I was responsible for all technical hiring for the T. J. Watson Research Center and for all PhD hiring by the IBM Corporation.

I received five Outstanding Innovation and Technical Achievement awards at IBM, hold six United States patents, have published dozens of peer reviewed technical papers and reports, and am responsible for three IBM products with revenue of several hundred million dollars.  I have also been an adjunct professor of mathematics, computer science and engineering at  Pace, SUNY Purchase, Polytechnic and Fordham and have tutored hundreds of high school and college mathematics and physics students throughout Westchester and Fairfield counties.